
What clarinet reeds should i be using?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i've been playing clarinet for 4 years, and im a freshman in high school. but instead of being put in the regular band for freshman, i somehow was placed in the highest band which is mostly mad up of seniors. i need a good reed thats great for fast music that covers both the low range, and high range of notes. im stepping up to a 4 (was using 3.5) and am thinking about switching brands (currently using mitchell lurie). im wondering which brand i should switch to, if i should switch at all. it has to be a high quality though. any suggestions???




  1. Congratulations on your success so far. Apparently you have some talent for the instrument - which means that, if you haven't done so yet, it's time for a private teacher. Only with one-on-one instruction from an experienced clarinetist will you be able to make informed decisions and advance as a performer.

    As to the reed question - moving up in strength may seem to be improving your playing, but it could be covering up some inequities in your playing. A stronger reed requires more air support to produce a clear tone, while a weaker reed responds with less support. As an experiment, practice playing with a large, strong tone on a 4 for about a month, then switch back to a 3 or 3 1/2 - but using the same amount of air pressure! I believe you will be amazed at how your tone, response, intonation, and articulation will have improved.

    These are the kind of things that a private teacher can do with you. Your playing will improve faster than it will by only playing in band and practicing "aimlessly".

    Best of luck!

  2. The best brand of reeds is Vandoren. My teacher actually didn't recommend getting Rico.

  3. I play flute in my school band but here is my suggestion based on the watching the clarinet players. You should buy one pack of the reeds that your band teacher suggest my school used rico. Buy lots because you never know what can happen.

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