
What class am I?

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I am British and I don't think the American class system is the same,so please only answer if you are british/understand the british class system...

I am curious to know because my friend says she considered me middle but I consider myself working or lower middle class...

I am 17 and live with my Mother who is a single parent who earns £15,000 a year and owns her own house.

I attend a state school in an industriel working class town.

My mother owns her own farm(17 acres).

My ancestors were mostly farmers and coal miners.

What does this make me?




  1. Its all a matter for individual interpretation. Gordon Brown works so does that make him "working class", An itinerant probably does no work at all - what "class would he fall into? I own my own business (a very small business with a turn-over of about £40K) some would say that makes me upper class as I actually own something. Personally, if forced to chose a class I would say middle.

    It is a pity that so many people have to be put into these little "cubby holes". What is wrong with just being a happy member of the human race making your own contribution to its success (or failure).

    And by the way, Brandon, theres nothing wrong with being a farmer boy in fact its something to be proud of.

  2. You probably would be defined as lower middle class./

  3. i think your middle class with a working class backround

  4. you sounds middle you have everything you need in life? are you hurting for food, clothing, ect.   Looks like you have a computer, lower class can not afford you have a cell phone? if so your middle class.....there are many different variables when deciding what class you are in.....but from what youve told us, i believe you are middle class.

  5. your a farmer boy
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