
What class are humans categorized in?

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what class are humans categorized in?




  1. Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Mammalia

    Order: Primates

    Family: Hominidae

    Genus: Homo

    Species: H. sapiens

    Subspecies: H. s. sapiens

  2. Class Mammalia.

  3. If I remember my high school biology correctly Human is our class.unless you're thinking of mammal

  4. A group of hominids that are great on self-destruction.

  5. (no rank) cellular organisms

    superkingdom Eukaryota

    (no rank) Fungi/Metazoa group

    kingdom Metazoa

    (no rank) Eumetazoa

    (no rank) Bilateria

    (no rank) Coelomata

    (no rank) Deuterostomia

    phylum Chordata

    subphylum Craniata

    (no rank) Vertebrata

    superclass Gnathostomata

    (no rank) Teleostomi

    (no rank) Euteleostomi

    (no rank) Sarcopterygii

    (no rank) Tetrapoda

    (no rank) Amniota

    class Mammalia <-----

    (no rank) Theria

    (no rank) Eutheria

    superorder Euarchontoglires

    order Primates

    suborder Haplorrhini

    infraorder Simiiformes

    parvorder Catarrhini

    superfamily Hominoidea

    family Hominidae

    (no rank) Homo/Pan/Gorilla group

    genus Homo

    species Homo sapiens

    subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens

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