
What classes are offered at Gymnasiums in Germany?

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There is a good chance I will be going to school in Frankfurt next year. I am wondering what classes Gymnasiums offer. If I move I would be going into my grade 11 year and I'll be 16 year old. I very intrested in sports and play many different sports like soccer.




  1. tons of classes and it really depends on what school. they have math, geometry, english, german, french, biology, physics, P.E....uname they have it. they have lots of after school programs where u can play soccer, or other sports u may want to play. good luck!

  2. The "Unterrichtsfächer" - classes - at a Gymnasium include

    - German

    - Maths

    - two foreign languages (normally, English and Latin, but dutch, russian or french are also options depending on the school)

    - sports

    - chemistry

    - geography

    - politics/economy

    - physics

    - biology

    - ethics or religion

    - music

    - history

    - art

    There might be extra classes like cooking, computer, etc.

    Note that some classes in grade 11 are optional depending on your specialization.

    Also, you'll go into a "Praktikum" where you will work for some weeks in a job of your choice. The grade for the Praktikum depends on the school.

    Here's an example for a German Gymnasium in Frankfurt (Goethe-Gymnasium):

    If you go to "our school" you'll find a bit more information about the activities and classes of this particular school, but other schools usually have similar stuff going on.

    (Another example: --German language only, though)

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