
What classes do I need to take in High School to become a dentist?

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What classes do I need to take in High School to become a dentist?




  1. All the science and math that you can get. Public speaking and writing wouldn't hurt either. And log some volunteer hours in a dentist's office or other medical organization like a hospital or doctor's office, or even a vet's office. It will help you develop a bedside manner.

  2. Getting into dental school requires hard work because it is very competitive. So I recommend  that you challenge yourself in highschool as much as your school has to offer. Also don't just take classes to get the credit. Take them to learn and excel. These two attributes will serve you well in college. See it as a preparation to get into college and then do well in college. Develop good study habbits and remember challenge is key!

    Make sure you have a good base in math go all the way to AP Calculus, Take AP Biology and Honors physics will do but if you enjoy calculus take AP Physics too. Chemistry is a plus get a good base understand the concepts and know how to apply them. Dental school requires Chem, Bio, Physics, Orgo (you can do dual enrollment in HS maybe towards the end when you are done with the basics at your local comminuty college just so you can get a basic understandin, thats what i did) umm.... ooo take AP English classes that will serve you well in writing and understanding difficult material, if your good here you can do research when you get to university and get published! basically these will do you good to get into university but like i said actually LEARN dont just go through it in highschool, you will be forced to learn in university anyways lol. I also recomend you do lots of volunteer work shadow dentist, in february an event called give kids a smile, its really nice, check out dental school websites they often offer programs for interested high school students. Also become familiar with standerized test and mutiple choice questions under pressure (timed)

    I know it sounds overwhelming but wait till you go to a university even worse dental school itself. Dont give up if this is what you really want. I think its all about a good preparation and having that spark inside of you! GOOD LUCK!

  3. Science and Biology would be the most important.  For continuing on to college the rest of the basics will of course be needed.  Do your best to excell and good luck!!!

  4. I'm not sure about a pre-dentistry program, but I'm going pre-med. I would say get as far along in math as you can (take dual-enrollment courses if possible). Also, take all of the required sciences at honors levels plus take physics.

    Mostly, take whatever you want to because once you get to college, it's going to be all about getting that degree.


  6. A and P, which stands for Anatomy and Physiology. Biology couldn't hurt either.

  7. To help you out in college I would definitely recommend all of the science and math classes you can take, and probably AP (Advanced Placement) or IB (International Baccalaureate) classes in Chemistry and/or Biology if they're offered at your school.

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