
What classes should i take in high school if i want to major in nursing in college?

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i heard that these are the classes you should take in high school:

biology (already took it)

chemistry (already took it)


algebra (already took it and algebra 2)


english (already took it every year, but i can take physcology in literature or journalism this year)

physcology (taking AP)


health class

a foreign language (second year of spanish, already had 2 years of french, but would rather not take it that important?)

which of those do you DEFINATLY need to take in high school or will be taking in college? i am just wondering becuase i think i need to change some classes i am taking for this senior year (pre-calc and earth science when i should be taking statistics and physics?) any help thanks!




  1. This is unofficial, just my opinion.  Biology, chemistry, algebra for sure, but you  say you already have those, psychology, sociology next and physics last.  Foreign language is not important.

  2. If it's between stats and calculus, I'd say go for the calculus. You need it for a "real" stats course, anyway (as well as for a "real" physics course.) Ditto for physics over earth science.

    In many parts of the U.S., a working knowledge of Spanish would be a real plus for a nurse.

    You can figure oln taking more chemistry, physics, math, and biology once you get to college.

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