
What classifies a person as insane?

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Apparently I am according to my friends and family. Suicidal? Eating Disorder? Attempted Suicide? Self Harm? Depression? Does this all make me insane?




  1. I am very sorry that you are finding life so difficulult to live. The fact that you can reason logically that there is something - infact quite a lot wrong in your life - and that you need help means that you are not insane. It means that you are an unwell young lady and you know it.

    As someone has just said, insanity is both a legal and medical state.

    This is Cornell University's description of insanity at law.

    Medical Insanity Described

    Social Consequences of an insanity Plea in Court  

    Your problems revolve around your eating disorder which you need to deal with. This is tied in with your depression. The end result appears to be self harm.

    Sweden’s Karolinska Institute is one of the world’s leading treatment centres for eating disorders. There have been a number of success cases from people who have taken their daughters there from Australia. Here are a couple of web sites of articles in relation to that centre.

    This is the mandometer treatment for eating disorders from the US.

    Karolinska Institute

    Depression Treatment in Australia and the USA. There are a lot more sites than these. However I am limited to 10 sites for this answer. You might like to Google Depression Treatment and then your country and you will find a lot of help.

    I think that if you were not depressed, you would not want to damage yourself. This includes your eating, self-harm and suicide attempts. You need to get your self – worth back. You need to believe that you are the valued and valuable human being that you are. You will need to seek professional help. Most likely from a psychologist or psychiatrist.

    It would be a good idea if you got an interest or interests outside of school and the home or work and the home. You don’t say exactly how old you are so I am guessing as to whether you are still at school. Strike out and try to make new friends.

    Also, if you are the victim of bullying at school or work or on the internet or on you mobile – and this is common today – don’t be afraid to say so to your parents or other people in authority. It is both wrong and illegal. You will join a long line of teenagers and others who have found themselves very depressed as a result of this, if you are being bullied. Things can be done to stop the perpetrators if this is happening.

    In the mean time, you must get help and get yourself and your health back on track. That is the most important thing at present. Get your Mum or Dad which ever parent takes you to the doctor, to get you to a GP and get referred to the relevant professionals to get help with your diet and depression.

    I hope that I have been able to help you in a small and gentle way. Good Luck and God Bless for the future, what ever it holds!!!

  2. Kind of, yes. Or it could just mean you are seriously depressed/suicidal. Maybe you should try and seek some help. A psychiatrist would be good if you are that worried.

  3. Insanity is when you have totally lost touch with reality.  I mean like you think you are god and that everyone is evil and you must send them all to h**l by means of shot gun.  Or maybe you think you are a dolphin so you go live in the ocean, only to die a stupid death because you can't breath water.  Even though you have some serious issues, you are not insane.

  4. "Insane" is a word that refers to legal responsibility (like in a court trial for a crime that someone is accused of doing).  As far as the mental health field the word "insane" has NO meaning.  You are troubled and need help.... it doesn't help anything to get caught up using labels/terms.  The heart of the matter is that they are concerned for you and your safety.  If you are ready to make some affirmative steps to help yourself,  seek help.  

  5. Insane or mentally disturbed people never question thier own rational. The idea they are mad never enters thier train of thought.

    You have a different kind of illness. Its is mental but not insanity.

    I cant continue without appearing rude. Suffice to say I feel those around you suffer in reality more than you do.

  6. No I'mm so sorry your so sad I lost my boyfriend (bestfriend) to death 2mo. ago and you are sad not insane the things we go threw in life wear us down and we get tired I hope you can get help for your life I dont have insurance so its kinda hard but hold on and try to find something worth living for GOd bless you.

  7. NO it doesn't make you insane. You probably have a personality or anxiety disorder. I am the same way.

    Whoever gave me thumbs down can BITEME!

  8. Insane began as a legal term and now has spread into the public vocab. It means they lose touch with reality and cannot even understand that how they think and perceive things is abnormal. I can't explain that cuz I'm not insane. But they are more manipulative of people because they don't see them as equals, but lesser beings in their logic. They would not feel remorse if they harmed another person.

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