
What classses do you need to take to become a elementary school history teacher?

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What classses do you need to take to become a elementary school history teacher?




  1. You can't get just a history degree for elementary... Elementary is k-6 or k-3 and 4-6 depending on the state.  Elementary is not broken into subjects like high school and middle school...

    Discuss this with your college guidance counselor...  

  2. The same class that teaches you how to spell "classes". Don't teach the little ones until you teach yourself!!! LOL Just I'm not. Go to school! Good luck!  

  3. You would take classes to become an elementary school teacher, which would be reading, language arts, math, science, social studies, and the like.  You could consider middle school history if that is what you would prefer.

    As far as classes to take, it will depend on the state where you want to teach.  A college counselor will be your best bet on degree requirements.

  4. This isn't a direct answer to your question, but a previous poster was correct when they inferred there was no such thing as a "elementary school history teacher".  You can, however, be a middle school history teacher.  

    One thing I wanted to mention is if you are still in college make sure you are majoring in Social Science and not just History.  I was told by a counselor many years ago that if you want to teach you best have a degree in Social Science, that way if you end up in a high school (you never know) you could also teach economics and government.  

    As for the courses you would have to take, well, besides your Social Science pre-graduate courses in college, you would need about four years postgraduate work.  Some of these courses relate to your subject, such as historiography (believe it or not, the study of the study of history).  Others will be about teaching methods and so forth.  

  5. They don't have Elementary History teachers. You would need to get an elementary license but you can teach social studies as part of that. What you could do is teach in a middle school. Then you can teach just History.

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