
What cleaning advice would you have for me?

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I nanny for a family of four with two little girls ages 8 and 7 they live in a nice big house in a real nice neighborhood. The only problem is the inside of there house looks like a run down crack house. Its DISGUSTING. They have two big dogs one unfortunately being a chow mix meaning dog hair is everywhere and so is dust. I get paid extra to clean and i really need the money. The big problem is ill clean up one room then the next day its back to being horrible. So what are some things i can do to get there house clean and keep it that way. Some things i have to work with are way way way too many toys, dust, dirt, dog hair, junk, just plain filth. PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. sit down and talk to the family and maybe they will understand

  2. First, I wouldn't stress out about it--their messy house isn't your issue--the kids are.

    Here is what I would do so that you don't feel overworked:

    go into one room--like the family room, and tell the kids to sit on the couch and watch a movie/show while you clean up that one room---vacuum, dust...whatever you do to make yourself comfortable-and have them pitch in if they want...then everyday go to that room and touch it up as needed, eventually MAYBE the family will get the hint...if not, it may be time to find a new job--you aren't paid to work in a condition like that. good luck girlie!

  3. Make a game of getting the kids to help.

    If you are getting paid you are in a predicament. Obviously they know you are going to clean up after them and they figure that is what they pay you for. Other than that....see if they will let you buy some organizers for the junk. (with their money) Talk to them abou possibly getting rid of some of the stuff. Make it sound like you are giving it to a needy family so they feel good about it.

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