
What cleaning or shinning product can i use to make my utensils shine?

by  |  earlier

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my utensils are dull from normal day-today use. how can i make them shiny?? I dont want it to be hazardous since i will be using thenm to eat.




  1. Two questions: are you talking about cooking utensils like spatulas, mixing spoons, and the like, or about the cutlery you eat with at the table? And if the latter, is it stainless steel or silver?

    Edit: thanks for the clarification. First try the suggestion in the video I've appended. "Bicarbonate of Soda" is baking soda, by the way. If that doesn't work, rinse the cutlery well, then rub with a cloth soaked in white household vinegar.

    Both methods are cheap and easy.

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