
What clique do you belong to?

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What type of high school clique are you in or think you belong to?




  1. i hang out with the preps and azns

  2. Ppl say im popular preppy just cuz im nice 2every1 and cheerlead i talk  2 every1 dont just ignore ppl because they r not preppy like me so

  3. The "scene/emo's", but I wouldn't really call us a clique because we still hang out with a lot of other people (preps, jocks, burnouts, etc.)

    I ******* HATE being called an emo

  4. I just hung out with whoever had a free period; it's hard to only hang out with the same people all the time when everyone has different schedules

  5. lol


    CRASIANS count?

    crazy asians!

    i hang out with asians,

    but i also have friends that are not asians.!!

  6. I really don't belong to a clique, actually. But if I had to say so, I would say the:

    Geeky/Preppy kind of clique.


    I dunno.

  7. i belong in the "i have known you forever and we just get along well and don't care whatever anyone else thinks, while we get great grades and are in advanced courses" Clique.

    it is an unusual group but it works.

  8. Im 13 and go to a private school. People online act like its evil or sin...but Im popular. and just because someone is popular doesnt mean they are a! im popular because i et good grades, strive for excellence in everything i do and am nice. i cant help that the popular kids at your school are brats. but not every popular person is. so yea just thought id say that before anyone accused me of being a stuck up troll. or whatever....

  9. i don't think i belong in a clique....

  10. the asians [that includes brown pple..and yellow pple..such as indians..egyptians...chinese..korean...b... basically all the smart peeps]

  11. Why does it matter cliques are stupid! Labeling is stupid! Im not in High School but in my grade i guess we have "cliques" but i tink thats stupid! Me and like a group of 4 friends usually hang out! But i have friends in all kinds of groups! I also sometimes hang out with a group of like 5 people! Sometimes i hang out with a group of like 7 people! Sometimes all our "groups" combine and hang out together! I hate the idea of labeling and cliques but thats what i would say! But if i said something me and the group of 4 people are probably considered the smart girls who everyone knows! Me and the group of 5 people are probably the smart athletic people who evryone knows! And the group of 7 people are just a group!

  12. Probably that group that doesn't have a name.

  13. emo or goth.. or just plain weird... but my friends sorda hav our own. some people at youth group call us "The Dark Side"

  14. The fat geek one.

  15. look guys!!! katy is such an emo...

  16. Well, I personally think that labels are for soup cans, not people, but I'll be glad to answer.

    I go to a Private Catholic High School, and there aren't many cliques, but I belong to a group thats hard to explain.

    I dont care what people say about me-- by the way.

    My friends are all Nice, and Smart, and Funny. We dress in Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch, we are friends with everyone, and we are known for always our hair perfect and caring about our self apperance-- but we are not vanity-obsessed, we just always like to look presentable. I guess we are "Preppy", cuz I dont want to say "Popular"-- because in reality everyone is popular in their own group.

    Cliques just draw a line and say " If u are not like us, u r out", which is sooooo wrong. So its wrong to support the "cliques" in school, though, obviously, they do indeed exsist. Cliques just exclude people out and make thme feel as if they dont belong... thats why my friends and I -- even though we have our own "Posse", we still hang out with other people, and THAT is right.

    Sorry, I so totally "over-answered" your Question!!!! :)

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