
What club should I go to on my 21st with my friends in Houston?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking about going out to eat somewhere with the girls and then head somewhere to go dancing. Im just not sure what club though. Which one is the best? I will not go to grasshopper or TOC!!! Im not looking to reserve a VIP because I really don't need all that. I just want to have fun with my friends and enjoy the time with them. I want to go to a place that the DJ actually plays good music since I have experienced some that sucked lol. And there are good crowd of people and not squished. Where nasty a** girls arent lifting up there skirts and just being hoes(seriously) I seen some. Tell me a place and why you chose it. If you have resources like websites please provide it. Thank you





  1. Try Hush or the Pink Monkey.  The Mercury Room, downtown is nice also.

  2. City Streets closed along time ago. Numbers is a freak fest. Go to Sam&#039;s Boat on Richmond.

  3. When i lived in Houston I went to Numbers, and Cecils.

  4. I have been to a place called City Streets, pretty cool place, with Thursday nites is ladys night, there is 5 different dance areas, any type of music you want to dance to, and is big enough so you wont be crowed,

  5. Try Mantra, Shadow Bar, Hue, Rich&#039;s (eclectic crowd but great music and nice patio) also there&#039;s Prive.  Drink Houston is a good place as they have 3 clubs in one (karoake is fun) These sound like the kind of places you&#039;re looking for as they tend to attract a more &quot;decent&quot; clientele.

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