
What college course would suit me if my main interest is Martial Arts/Boxing?

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I want to do a full-time college course, maybe a degree. My main interest is martial arts and boxing, I really need to train a lot... keep fit. What courses would you think best suited me?




  1. kung fu college

  2. Exercise sports science or sports psychology.  Neither will keep you fit most likely but they are the main sports oriented degrees.

  3. physiotherapy to treat your own injuries?

    Sports science

    health and fitness

    sports coaching

    try using the ucas course search where you can limit your search to london the type/level of course you want and do a keyword search for sport, then do another for fitness

  4. Philosophy or theology courses that emphasize: Chinese Taoism, Chinese Buddhism, and Chinese Confusciousism.  And Japanese Zen.

    A class in Hoplology (the history of the martial arts).

    Yoga (especially Kudalini Yoga or Hatha Yoga).

    Any physical education course that emphasizes Aerobics.

  5. I would say sports science and health and fitness also try out this website it is actually collages that give degrees in martial arts

  6. There is actaully a college that offers a degree in martial arts

  7. Maybe you could study Sports Science, or something related to that area.

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