
What college football team has the most loyal fans?

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When it comes to tradition and loyalty to thier school what college do you think have the most loyal die hard fans. First that comes to my mind is WVU and Nebraska what about you guys?




  1. Definately the Georgia Bulldogs. I mean everywhere I go hats, t-shrits, everyone talks about the dawgs! lol. Alot of people want to go to UGA just because of the team. I think one reason also is that the south is very commited and loyal to their teams. This place is just painted red and black basically, its so awesome to live in Athens. I mean even when they lose everyone still loves them, even though Georgia never loses more than 2 games a year.


  3. APPALACHIAN STATE, in a landslide!!!

  4. I gotta go with the University of South Carolina...when you have a team that goes .500 for the season and the fans act as if they just won not the national championship in ncaa but the nfl superbowl, you gotta admire that loyalty...they could go winless at every home game and still pack 'em 90,000 strong in Williams Brice Stadium not to mention the 40-50,000 outside the stadium tailgating...I have to admire those fans...sorry their team's no better but those fans...WOW!!!!  GEAUX LSU!  byt the'll see an example of that come Oct. 18th when LSU comes to claim property rites to Williams-Brice Stadium!

  5. OMG the stupid Aggies

  6. ill actually say ole miss no matter how bad they are people in the state stick by em and im sayin this as an auburn fan

  7. I have to go with Nebraska. The majority of the state lives for Big Red. I live in Michigan and am originally from Texas (Hook 'em!) but my ex-brother-in-law was from nebraska and whenever I went to visit it was all about the 'Huskers in that state. While I love Texas football and I am fanatical about them, the whole state is not that way like it is in Nebraska. Of course, Nebraska doesn't have as many teams in-state competing for fans like Texas does, but nevertheless...

  8. Oh my god, LSU!

  9. Hook 'em fans

  10. OSU, Ohio had an arson problem after the Buckeyes lost the BCS.  If you commit a crime because your team lost you have to be pretty passionate about them.

  11. Win or lose, the Auburn family is loyal until death. They're the best fans there are!  

  12. i would say notre dame fans cuz they suck and the irish fans i know still love tha h**l out of

  13. Penn State... the students/fans still bleed blue and white forever even after graduation

  14. Longhorns fans duh!!! Go horns!

  15. Texas

  16. Everyone has a thumbs down, but the Auburn guy. Coincidence? All the top programs, well most, have a huge, loyal fan base. OSU, Tennessee, LSU, Florida, Michigan, ND, Oklahoma, Texas and so on. To pick one over the other would be an exercise in futility, although if I have to pick one, I would say Nebraska, just because there isn't much else going on in Lincoln.  

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