
What college major/minor combination should I take to be a criminal trial lawyer?

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I am a sophomore in college. I was trying to do chemistry with a criminalistics concentration. I am not having problems with my major when it comes to difficulty, but I am bored with it and I can't see myself doing it anymore. I really want to be a criminal lawyer (defense or prosecuting attorney) but I don't know what I need to major and minor in in-order to do it. Are there any current lawyers out there that can help me?? Please?? I really need this help and advice.




  1. communications arts is a good major to have when applying to law school

  2. administration of justice, criminology, forensics, all of these classes will help....the name of the major might vary from college to college

  3. Pre-law classes are a good start. And go with the most common pick--political science.

  4. What Law school recruiters want to see is really good grades, initiative, and a well rounded personality. So, just about any major would do; take a few courses that have a strong debate component to them, like philosophy, English, and of course, a law course or two. Choose a major you will enjoy - you will be more motivated to get better grades, and you will be able to talk about it with more interest than stuff you take 'because you think you should'.

    Look around and see what legal organizations you can get involved with in your spare time - job shadow a lawyer or organizations that help provide legal advice to people who can't afford one.

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