
What college or type of college would you suggest for me?

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The classes I've taken include...


Algebra I

Algebra II


Integrated Math 3 (in procress)


I Honors

II Honors

III Honors

IV Honors (in process)


Life Science Honors

Biology I Honors

Chemistry I Honors

Anatomy and Physiology (in process)


World History Honors

American History Honors

A.P. Government and Macroeconomics (in process)

Foreign Language:

French I

French II


Business Systems and Technology

Digital Design I





Driver's Ed

Public Speaking I

Extra-cirricular activities:

Drama Club - 2.5 yrs[Stage crew, minor role in 1 play, major role in 1 play, "Superior" rating at District Compet.]

Beta-INTERACT Club - 3 yrs [Over 100 hours of community service and counting]

Future Business Leaders of America - 4 yrs [3rd and 4th in State-Wide Word-Processing competitions, type over 110 WPM without errors]

Book Club - 4 yrs [Off-and-on participation]

Student Ambassador for Take Stock in Children Program - 1 yr, maybe 2.

Running for office in FBLA and Beta this year.

Also attempting to start a recycling program at my school this year, and have been attempting to start one for the past 3 years.

I have at least a 3.0 unweighted GPA, not quite sure of the exact one though.

Haven't taken SATs and ACTs yet but am signed up to take them for the first time in September and October, respectively.


I was considering the following areas of interest:








Modern Science/Micro-biology/chemistry


I live in Florida, and I already have a 4 year scholarship for any university in Florida... but I'm considering going out-of-state anwyays.




  1. Seriously, I would take the scholarship. I live in Michigan, and they only offer really wimpy scholarships and only for people who go to a school in Michigan. For me, it's not really worth it, because I'm going to end up being in debt anyway, but for, that's a great scholarship and a great opportunity. All you overachievers have it easy...^-^. Too bad I was born a procrastinator.

  2. go to UNC at Chapel Hill

  3. Honestly you should go and visit some schools. There are a lot of factors here besides what you have already done, and really its more about what you want to do. You have a pretty WIDE group of specializations there...everything from business to poly sci to biology!

    My suggestion would be to visit some schools. See what kind of test scores you get and see if you can get some more scholarships. Honestly, you want to go to the school that you think is the best "fit" but money should also factor into your decision. If you have a full ride somewhere then take the free education! I had lots of friends pass up full rides at home to go out of state...only to return a year later and not get the scholarship when they returned. They gave away a free education because they thought going out of state would be more fun. Also, since you don't know what you want to specialize in, it might be a good idea to get your gen eds out of the way at a school where its paid for, then when you have a better idea of what you want to do you can pick a school that has a better reputation in your field of choice.

    The internet is a great resource to get an idea as to what schools are like. Also check out the Princeton Review. I'm sure your high school has a copy, or the library might have one. Once you have an idea of your "top schools" then go on a few visits to really see them for yourself. Good luck in your search!

  4. I would suggest using your scholarship money to go to a university in Florida. College is EXPENSIVE and you'd be throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars by going out-of-state.

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