
What college/university has the BEST photography programs?

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i want that place to get me places

how do i get famous from photography and make lots of money from it




  1. Here are links to the top three in the US of A

    While any of these three schools can give you all the skills to shoot any camera, anywhere in the world, under any lighting conditions, it will still be up to you to become famous and to make the money you want to earn.

    Many famous photographers have graduated from these schools ... just look at their alumni lists.

    Many produce a lot of cash flow ... one of my friends who graduated from RIT has to generate over  $1,000,000 a year before he makes one dollar.  He has a studio in New York City and that is what his operating costs are each year ... is he rich?  It depends what you call rich.  He makes a lot of money, yes, but he lives in a moderate home and keeps within his budget ... just like the rest of us.

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