
What college would you recommend I go to for a degree in Community Organizer Arts, for that exciting field?

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What college would you recommend I go to for a degree in Community Organizer Arts, for that exciting field?




  1. The down your nose attitude of the Republican party toward the people who take low paying jobs in order to serve their community can be summed up in the "community organizer" remark.

    This will include policemen, firemen, ambulance workers, various nursing jobs, teachers, military etc. I wonder how all of those people in her "home town" felt when she said that. It must have been quite a shock to find that the Mayor always thought of you as the scum of the earth.

  2. Why is being a community organizer such a bad thing, especially when their purpose is to help people with issues that politicians failed to help them with?

  3. Harvard

  4. UC Berkeley

  5. Only a Republican could mock someone that could have made more money, but chose to serve others instead....  Jesus would have been proud of Obama.  Too bad the Republicans can't share that with Jesus.

  6. harvard !!!!!

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