
What colleges can i get into with a 3.86 gpa?

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What colleges should i be applying to?....i took all the hardest classes...4aps my junior year and planning to take 4 my senior year....3.86 is my unweighted gpa...i have a couple of extra curriculars but not too many...the only thing im worried bout is my class's kinda low like 40ish out of 350ish but its only cuz i don't do so hott in the electives and they're not weighted so it drops my class rank down a lot...the fact that i don't like any of my electives cuz they always stick in something i don't want doesn't help either....i got stuck in art with no artistic talent whatsoever so yea...big problem.....

do colleges look at the fact that i get strait As in all my core classes but gets b in my they care that classes like art are just meant to fill ur schedule and getting bs in them doesn't mean i don't have good work ethic it just means i can't draw???




  1. It will depend a lot on SAT scores, community service, extracurricular activities, sports. A good GPA will only get you so far - a local state college, at best.

    They care that you got a B. Not that it was art class. Colleges don't consider the arts less worthy.

  2. Rank matters more than GPA at most colleges because GPAs mean different things at different schools. You would probably do best at state schools which are strictly by numbers and just look at core classes.

    With SAT scores it's hard to say where you can get in. Look for schools where the stats show that at least 25% were not in the top 10% of their class and where your scores are at least in the middle of the 50th percentile.

  3. You'll be able to get into any community college with that and most Universities.

  4. That's really the wrong attitude to have about art class, to be honest. Like high school, your college will also ask you to take electives and general education courses that aren't directly applicable to your major. But they consider that education important because they're trying to develop you as a person in ways that aren't just career-related. After all, you'll spend at least two thirds of the rest of your life *not* working.

    In other words, consider every class you take important, because the college will do the same.

    As for your GPA and class rank, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Neither is low enough to keep you out of almost any college. But your other application materials are also very important. You need to establish that you'd be a good fit for the college, and those other materials are what you use to do that.

  5. any thats a reallu good GPA

  6. A 3.86 GPA is a good GPA and with AP classes, I'm sure that colleges will look at that. Most colleges will take into account the electives you do take and also the grades because although it might be a class that "fills up your schedule", it still shows dedication/accomplishment. I would consider that you might want to look into extra curriculum and possibly volunteering because that helps on applying to colleges.  

  7. You don't need to stress over your GPA because it's quite above average. If you are still concerned about the lower grades in your electives and how they will look on your transcripts, I would suggest getting involved in some activity that you are interested in outside of school, because those kinds of things stick out more in college applications. Volunteer, work, join, participate. Show that you are a boon to your community, not just a brain.

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