
What color Jansport backpack should I get?

by  |  earlier

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I'm starting the 8th grade in seven days and I wanna get a cute backpack for school. I wanna get a plain colored Jansport backpack but idk which color I should get. Opinions anyone?




  1. Black.. and decorate

  2. black (: matches EVERYTHING liek really (: or white.  that works too

    haha but white is easily dirtied so yeah..

    answer mine ? (:;...

  3. green or pink but don't forget to add personal flair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. i love the purple and white zebra stripe one!

    i would get it, but i already have a tote for school =(

  5. umm hot pink? neon colors??  

  6. I just got a new black Jansport backpack. It doesn't show dirt, and is completely plain (and super practical), so it doesn't outshine me and the efforts I put in every morning to show up to school looking awesome.

  7. wats ur fave color? di get pink prob or blue or like a dark eggplant purple you know???

  8. Get Zebra!!! Everyone at my high school has a Zebra backpack....or The pink plaid jansport one!!!

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