
What color are my eyes in this picture (eye pic only)

by  |  earlier

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  1. Gray/blue-green. Pretty eyes.

  2. Pond Blue

    r u cross eyed?

  3. yummy?

    they look greyish blue

  4. Looks like a blue color

  5. Midnight grey, violet blue. gorgeous.

  6. dark blue

  7. they look either blue or grey

    to me..very nice

  8. lokos like like a blueish grayish greenish

  9. hm...looks like a Greyish mixed into

    a Blue but also with a dash of Green

    into it, but not too much green =]

  10. s**y :^)

    Please show us a full face pic!

    They look kinda hazel to me, but that could be this monitor.

  11. Greyish turquoise

  12. greyish blue.

  13. grey

  14. blue with green fadish thing around your puple

  15. blue

  16. steel blue

  17. uuhmm.. they looook bluuee

    but i thinkk you neeed to fix your eyebrows<3

    jussttt helping youu ouutt !

  18. looks more gray than blue

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