
What color are my eyes?!

by  |  earlier

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i think they're light brown, but my eye doctor says they're green hazel =/ what color do you think they are?




  1. They are green hazel. The inside of your eye is brown and the outside is green. You are very lucky that you have nice uniform color, my hazel eyes are mostly different colors of brown with green blotches you usually can't see.  

  2. hazel

  3. brown greenish but i love them guys look at them first well that and humps

  4. Hazel...

  5. Green hazel.

  6. hazel.

    light brown.

    with a little green in them.

  7. brown with a hint of green

  8. your doc is right

  9. You need to twease.........your eyebrows

  10. a hazel brown

    very pretty ones by the the way.  

  11. They r a hazel!!! cuz u might think that they  r brown cuz hazel looks like brown!! so ur dovtor is right they r brown!!

  12. all of the above

  13. They are definitely hazel.

    Very pretty :)

  14. Greeny hazel but really cute!

  15. Green hazel and almond shaped. Very pretty. Don't change them.

  16. mostly brown, but they do have a lot of green in them too.

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