
What color bottle of mona vie stops acne?

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How do you know it stops acne?




  1. Mona vie is full of natural antioxidants which strengthens your natural immunities and what not... I take a shot of mona vie every morning and night. :)

  2. I am very much afraid that there is no evidence that it does. While I know that conventional therapy and medicine is far from perfect, I have never understood the need for about 20% of the population to throw their money at crroks,con men and charlatans. I guess it is some sort of inbuilt need to believe in mystery and magic, rather than science?

    Why not instead chose something that has a rational basis for use and at least some proven studies that show it has been useful? Your pharmacist will sell you some cleansers/degreasers that may help. If this fails topical or sometimes oral antibiotics from your GP have an excellent sucess and safety record.

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