
What color braces should i get... i am an indian

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i wanted to know which color is less noticeable for me. i have brown eyes and black hair i really don't want a color that stands out. please someone help me...also is it possible to have a pattern and change it any time




  1. well white ones, if you brush your teeth haha ;)

    but people are gonna notice them almost no matter what if your teeth show. At least thats what i discovered

    btw i'm an whitey.

  2. black would look nice or blue

  3. a baby blue color its really pretty

  4. white

    do NOT get yellow under any circumstance because it makes your teeth look really really yellow

  5. you could always ask for clear!  

  6. I'm also Indian, and I have the same colouring as you. I had braces for 2 and a half years and the colour I felt was least noticeable was black. With the dark hair and eyes, I feel that black is the colour that stands out the least. Good luck with braces!

  7. I'm not sure what color to advise you to get. But if you happen to eat curry dishes, keep in mind, some of the colors they have stain terrible, giving you a totally new and sometimes awful color. I like the midtone pink myself. It kind of blends in with the gums and teeth after the color fades a little in a couple of weeks. Good Luck.

  8. Humm... be creative. Choose whatever color is your favorite. It's not going to matter what color they are because your not going to have them forever. I think that I would go with Pink or Purple.

  9. They're going on your teeth... so how about white?

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