
What color contacts do you recommend???

by  |  earlier

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i want to get color contacts. my skin tone is about the same as nicole from the pussycat dolls. what color contacts should i get?

[if you dont know what the color looks like search in google]

1. honey

2. pearl gray

3. light light brown

4. light green

5. light green-yellowish

if you have a new color you want to share send pics.

*10 points best answer*




  1. greennnnnnnnnn

  2. I always find that the bluey/green ones look really fake! So I would say light light brown, cause I also think the honey colour would be too bright/fake looking for your skin tone.

  3. honey =]

  4. pearl gray

  5. purple

  6. pearl gray or light green would look rad

  7. i think it depends on what color hair you have!

  8. a darker brown would be nice. or a light green.  But dont go with anything that its obvious that their not ur real eye colour.

  9. umm i think u should get light green b/c ur skin is the perfect shade for green eyes

    or u could get clear if u like the color of ur eyes

    honey wouldnt look good b/c ur skin tone is almost honey and it would blend too much

    and... no one has honey eyes....

    pearl gray might look good

    i wouldnt recomend brown....b/c of ur skin

    light green-yellowish would be a little too bright...unless u want them to be bright

    well...i hope i helped

    answer mine!

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