
What color could this foal be?

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Okay so we bred my Champagne AQHA stallion, to a Pintaloosa Mustang mare and I was wondering what the foal would look like? Any ideas on colors and such, also what type of body do you think it will have, cause my stud is a halter stallion and has a very correct build with a short back, and the Mustang mare is built somewhat like a Quarter Pony. I was also wondering what the foals abilities might be, cause my stud is a working cow horse aswell, and the Mustang a trail horse so my guess was that the foal would be very sure footed, with good cow sense.




  1. Flip a coin. The foal can come out looking like either the mother or the father, but you can probably rest assure the foal will have a good head and will probably be sure footed too. Or at least hopefully.

  2. You didn't say what colour your pintaloosa pony is.  Build wise, probably more like the mare if this is her first foal.  As for what type of working stock it maybe, only time and training will actually tell.

    I hope you plan on keeping that foal, because in today's market, chances of selling a non registered foal aren't very good.

  3. Sorry but there is no way to tell for sure!

  4. You cant tell, you can only hope for what you want, but the stud and mare sound really nice, so the foal should be too. Anyway, sometimes they change colour as they get a bit older. My foal was born dark brown (inc. mane and tail) turned very light brown (inc. mane and tail) and is now in the process of turning white (with a dark brown/ black mane but not tail)!!!! Shes not even 6 months yet. so we are still trying to guess what colour she will turn out to be!

  5. You can play at

    and get an idea.

    You don't mention the markings on the dam (tobiano, overo, etc...) or if she even has them.  

    But at least this site can give you some probabilities?

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