
What color eyeshadow makes brown eyes pop?

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i have medium shade brown

they're not dark brown but they're not light brown either

they're basically in between

i usually use black eyeshadow w/ black eyeliner or blue eyeshadow w/ black eyeliner or brown eyeshadow w/ black eyeliner

but i really want something that'll make my eyes POP

also i'm rather fair skinned




  1. try a shade of blue that always makes brown POP and try brown eyeliner or black each would go good try pink to or even green but a darker not lime greenish PLEASE PUT AS BEST ANWER!

  2. silver



  3. i have brown eyes and brown hair. just about any un natural color looks good. (natural ones do to but sounds like you got those down) Blue is one of the best next i would say hot pink. i use MICA BELLA and they have some awesome colors i couldn't find anywhere else. maybeline emerald green looks pretty cool too

  4. Anything that is opposite of brown, But nothing to bright.

    So green would be good not to green like neon green.


  6. Blues and purples make brown eyes pop out more. You may even stick to your blacks but shade the whole lid with a different color such as blue or purple and blend it through the black on the top as it will fade into the crease. Also take these colored shadow and line under the eye below the bottom lashes. Very nice results when finished!!!!

  7. From personal experience: light blue, purple and pink eyeshadows with black eyeliner make brown eyes stand out.

    I rarely use brown eyeshadow or eyeliner because they just don't draw attention to the eyes (even though they give a more natural look).

  8. i have brown eyes too.

    green and purple make my eyes stand out really well. hot pink also looks really cool. but if you dont want to do HOT pink, then a natural pink looks really pretty.

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