
What color eyeshadow??

by  |  earlier

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my eyes are black and i have an tannish olive complexsion. which color eyeshadow would work best???




  1. do smokey eye...

    silver and black

  2. black eyes? interseting i'd say a grey or a purple of some kind

  3. I could see a gold shimmer eyeshadow looking abosolutely fantastic on you! :)

  4. Almost any shade of green brown purples or even darker blues. Just don't use any REALLY bright colors and please god don't use anything with glitter in it, if your over age 5 your to old to wear glitter eye shadow. Not saying shimmer is not good . I love shimmer eye shadow and creme on eyes its sultry and s**y.

  5. i would think a really smoky eye with a mix of silver and black to make your eyes the main focal point and to make them pop

  6. Smokey eye I agree. Perhaps, a shed of pink? and a light amount of black. How do you like the sound of that?

  7. Light blue.  
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