
What color eyeshadow should I wear?

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I have Medium/Dark Brown Hair, Tan/Honey Colored skin with Warm Undertones, and Dark Green/Hazel eyes.





  1. Black with a tint of gray and of course some yellow 4 highlights it will really bring out your eyes!!

  2. a green eyeshadow would bring out the green in your eyes,

    or a light purple, or brown would probably work for you!

  3. Well it depends where you are going or

    if its daytime or nightime....but i would go with a creamy ice color (eye shadow) thats kind of like white sort of with a peach blush if its day time and most likely the smokey eye at night since you have color eyes it will make such a good effect

  4. A very dark shade of brown eyeshadow would bring out the green color of your eyes.  Brown does that with any eye color.  You&#039;ll look gorgeous!

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