
What color fingernail polish would go well with a gold/beige dress and gold w/ rhinestone shoes?

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I am the groom's mother and what to look my best at the wedding. I will have open toe shoes. I am a light complexion person. Therefore, I need the right color fingernail polish.




  1. either a soft pink or coral would be really pretty orrrr a classic french manicure, you can't go wrong with that =)

  2. light beige or french manicure always works with everything

  3. red,black or dark purple

  4. When in doubt, French mani & pedi.

    Otherwise, definitely black. Chanel Black Satin Polish.

  5. regular rose red..not bright red because you dont want to POP to much at [some one elses] wedding. GOOD LUCK

  6. depends what the theme of the wedding is...... dont they have a colour pallete or something??

  7. A classic red always looks good! For a slight glimmer of sparkle in a classic red, I use Ruby Slippers by China Glaze!

  8. Black I think.

  9. black or red

  10. clear/white french manicure

    that goes with everything. anything else might look tacky.


  11. a nice cerise pink and do your toes also and funk it up with some nice costume jewelry or pick a color of 1 of the rhinstones:D

    or even just go french manicure and silver jewelry..nice and simple

    but check this colour chart:

    good luck x

    Edit: maybe also try brown..

  12. I would go with a bronze

  13. i would go with bright red nail polish

  14. RED

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