
What color granite counters/ tile floors to go with dark cherry cabinets?

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I prefer granite on the dark side, while my husband likes colors in the mid-tone brown/tan range. We both like bursts of accent colors (blue, red, green) in the granite, preferrably all three. As for the tile, I'm rather inclined to a natural slate tone (which is also rather variagated), but it seems like it would be too dark with the dark cabinets. I was thinking pale/mid-tone teal and/or green for the wall color, to contrast/ coordinate with the red tones in the cherry, as well as the predominantly gold walls throughout the rest of the house.




  1. a light to medium toned travertine would look nice in the kitchen against cherry cabinets.  i wouldn't use slate indoors.  it can "slake off" which means the top layer can wear off.  plus it can be tricky to clean.  a ceramic or porcelain would be just as durable and comes in a wide variety of styles and colors.  maybe a 16x16 beige-ish (or whatever else you find that strikes your fancy) on a brick pattern would be very chic.  diagonal patterns are almost too common nowadays, and brick patterns look just as nice in my opinion.  i'm no expert in the granite field, but i do prefer a darker granite as well, and any granite that is mainly black with other colors as a secondary would be nice in your kitchen.  i think if you go dark with the counters, to definately go lighter on the floors.  if you choose a lighter granite, the midtone brown/tan that you referred to, then a darker tile can be used on the floor, though i still wouldn't go much darker over a chocolate brown.  i have a couple granite websites in my favorites that i'm including as a link for you, as well as a recycled glass countertop website that i like too.  dal-tile's website should have a good selection of tile that you can look through.  good luck!

  2. grey counter tops with shiny grey tiles just a suggestion

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