
What color highlights would suit me? (picture)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i think like a really light brown would look really good

  2. I don't think you should change a thing, you look good like you are.  Don't go dark like some people have said.  If anything keep with the light highlights, or change lengths if you just need to change something.  Fortunately for you, you will be pretty no matter what you do!

  3. save the money. you look fine. i'm generally somewhat of an *** hole and i never give out compliments.

    so the fact your gettin this really means your great as is. don't believe me check my other answers on questions. lol  

  4. You already have highlights! Don't you like them? They look fine, hard to tell the pic is too light.

  5. black  

  6. dark brown would be pretty

  7. hot pink with black..that will look soo me

  8. You look good...

    How about some blue? Not a lot of them though, just to make it "different"

    or brown?

  9. dark brown*

  10. I think you should leave it as is! It's really pretty! I like the light blonde highlights! You're really pretty too! Just thought I'd throw that in... So, I say  just leave it, or the light blonde hightlights like it looks like you already have. Cheers!

  11. A dark chestnut brown, or a light brown  

  12. black would look really good with your hair color and eye color!!! or if you want to do something totally unique try red or blue!! good luck!!!

  13. Red on the bottom and light light blond every where eles

  14. i think u look pretty just the way u are, no need 2 add highlights

  15. it looks like you've already got highlights but it depends if you're going for something dramatic or not.

    dramatic: black or orange (not ginger)

    subtle: strawberry blonde or dirty blonde  

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