
What color is a mirror!?

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Its not clear or you would see through it. Its not silver (thats just the clolor the back is painted!) ???




  1. Reflective surfaces don't have a colour; that's sort of the point of them.

  2. None. No surface has color. Color is the brain's interpretation of electromagnetic radiation reaching the eye between approx. 380 and 830 nm wavelength.

    No mirror is a perfect reflector. Every light that's reflected in a mirror is

    1. filtered through the glass and partially reflected by it

    2. reflected on the metallic layer

    3. filtered again through the glass

    4. interreflected multiple times between both boundaries (metallic layer and glass/air surface)

    These filtering and reflection events always change the spectrum of the light source - light is taken away.

    This leads to a change in perceived color, if compared to the light source itself.

    If you look close you can see that mirrors mildly colorize the reflected light.

    The resulting color depends on the material of the metallic layer and the sort of glass used as carrier for the layer. I'd say in most cases the reflected light has a slightly green tint.

  3. i dont know,  but here is test to help you answer it yourself,  put two mirrors in front of eachother.... they cancel one another out right ..... your answer is that they are truly colorless.... because techinally what color is black to us ....every color of the spectrum... right

  4. a mirror has no color dude......its our interpretation of a color ..........da white color reflected is wat we see.....

  5. A mirror is made by taking clear glass and painting silver paint on one side. Then the silver paint is painted over with black paint to stop all light. The silver background will reflect all colors of light through the glass.

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