
What color is the 3rd place ribbon in horse shows?

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  1. in the UK its usually blue

  2. Here is how it most commonly goes -

    1 blue

    2 red

    3 yellow

    4 white

    participant - green

  3. This depends on where you are, and on what country you are doing your showing in. In the USA, it is usually yellow, but there are countries such as Canada where it is white. The British have either white or yellow for this ribbon.

  4. United States:

    1st - blue

    2nd - red

    3rd - yellow

    4th - white

    5th - pink

    6th - green

    I've been showing since I was 7 years old, that means I've been showing almost 20 me on this one, the colors of placing through 6th place never vary, 7th through 10th can depending on the show.

  5. It is usualy WHITE but he colors can vary.

  6. in CANADA its white

    it is red for first

    blue second

    white third

    yellow forth

    green fifth

    pink six

  7. I think it's red.

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