
What color is the best for a boy's bedroom besides blue?

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What color is the best for a boy's bedroom besides blue?




  1. darker colors, i think pastels are more girly.

    i'm thinking a forest green or blood red.

    those are pretty good.

    you could get creative and use vertical stripes as well.

    besides, it makes the room look taller.

    white and some gray look interesting together.

  2. I just painted my nephews room with a light gray and a horizontal stripe that runs around the room in black. The light gray looks cool because its not plain white but yet has a rough feel to it. Also had a dark marroon room that i liked but it does kinda make the room look smaller because its a dark color.  

  3. there is white, or if you want to go with wall paper, than pick the one you like best.

    better yet, ask the boy wat colour he likes

  4. Dark Green or Kelly Green. Maybe red too.

  5. Taupe or light green

  6. i think green, or army green may suit a boy. cream yellow will make him sunny.

    some boy's room pictures you can refer:

  7. You could always go with something simple like a beige or off white. If you have a theme in the room try picking a color from that. Our son loves the Bengals so we took a big step and painted it Orange,sounds crazy but it looks really good for a boys room...Just a suggestion.Good luck!!!!

  8. Green




  9. depends on the age.

    white (any)

    red/black (teen... actually black probably isn't the best choice)


    dark green


  10. My brother has gone through a fair share of wall colors. He has had blue, navy green, gray, white, and red. Gray seems to be the color we keep goign back to b/c it goes with everything!

  11. Depends on the age of the boy but I would say orange, dump truck yellow, red, any of the primary colors.

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