
What color is this horse :) :)?

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I THOUGHT that I had bought myself an Appaloosa, but when I asked a simple question over his markings there seems to be some debate. So what does everyone think?

He is only a good old grade horse, so it really doesn't matter, it's his colourful personality that got to me, but I sure would like to at least sound like I know what I'm talking about when describing his markings.

Hopefully adding links below




  1. He is a leopard Appaloosa.  You could also say with a defined blanket.  

  2. He's beautiful.  I sometimes think Appys are...well...not so pretty.  But yours is nice looking.  I do see him as a Leopard appy with some roaning.  Not sure if its blue or red though in the pic.  As far as any dun?  I wouldn't think so.  I mean he could have some dun gene in him but it's not apparent.  Now the cream gene would be buckskin and I don't see any of that either.  But who knows?

    Again he is beautiful and forget what that one guy says.  He's probably just tryin to be funny!

    A tell tell sign of an Appy are his eyes.  The ones i've seen are usually white or pink with spots around the edges.

  3. your horse has appaloosa markings.  the first horse i had was a grade mare that i had registered on markings (long ago when the books were still open)  the requirements were (paraphrasing) spots on the body, mottled skin around the mouth and stripes of white and black on the hooves.  (at least three, i think.  it's been a long time.  he actually looks more like a leopard appaloosa.

    hope this helps

  4. i agree that hes a leopard spot app. by the way he's so unique and pretty. WOW he was only $800? That sounds like a great deal!

    I hope you give Lbent best answer she said that PERFECTLY!

  5. yes its a lepord app. d**n thats ugly. hope you didnt pay much. good luck!

  6. Because he isn't spotted all over, he's a blue roan App with a blanket and peacock spots.  By the looks of his head is he by anychance a "Walkaloosa" (TWH crossed with an Appy)?  Is he gaited?

  7. He's definately a leopard appaloosa. Gorgeous horse, you are lucky to have him :]

  8. Firstly, your horse is beautiful, what a lovely horse you've got there! Secondly, he looks to me like a leopard appaloosa, but an Appaloosa no doubt about it! Good luck with your horse!

  9. I agree with LBent!!!!! She said it perfectly!!!! I would listen to her!!!! She knows her Appys!!!!!


    LBent~~~~  Well dam this is your "thing". & I know it & think that others should know, too!!!!

  10. My guess is a leopard appy.

  11. He IS an Appaloosa! That is his breed type. His markings are Leopard. Looks like he has a little roaning going on, lots of white hairs mixed in. Pretty common. And then of course, he is a brown spotted on white leopard appy. So dont fret, you didnt get fooled into a non-Appy...thats just like saying your paint isnt because it has different parkings from another....

  12. he is a leopard appy and a nice looking one at that, but as long as he is good natured and your happy with him thats all that matters. So many people in the horsey world get wrapped up in bloodlines, breeds and $$  they forget its their horses nature that is most important hope you get alot of enjoyment out of him.

  13. The leg markings and the left side photos tell the story.

    Your loud little horse is known variously as Pintaloosa or Tobiloosa, which explains his not being registered.  He is basically described as Leopard.

    Looking at the one shot of his face, I'd have to say he looks dun or buckskin. (my boy is that color in the face and he's dun)  

    The color on the left side of his neck (see the clear line of demarcation down his neck and onto his chest? pinto) appears as though he carries the greying gene. Hasn't affected his spotting yet.

    His profile hints at Spanish ancestry.  Over all, a classy little horse, he'd be welcome in my barn!

    Popular, schmopular, he is what he is, no options to debate  He's a d**n nice horse, just love him and forget the naysayers.  They're only trying to pee in your Wheaties.

    <<+>>  Aw, shucks, American, ya'll makin' me blush. . .

    ...Save about $40 or $50 more from not smoking and get a DNA test kit from Dr. Gus Cothran, U of KY.  That profile will tell you what his gene pool is.

  14. aww a cute appy (:

  15. cool looking leopard appaloosa.

  16. It's an appaloosa and actually a nice looking one which is rare.

  17. Leapard appaloosa and may i say just how beautiful he looks!


  18. Its an appaloosa with dark brown spots, bigger on its rump and getting smaller as you work your way down its body untill next to nothing on its neck the to a brown face and darker brown ears. Looks like it has brown on its hocks but that could just be mud. It also has 4 white socks. How much detail do you want me to go into? It has a white mane with a bit of brown and grey in it, same with the tail, It has white hooves except one which looks like it is muddy...

  19. that is most definitely an appaloosa!

    he is absolutely gorgeous too! :D

  20. You are right, its a Leapard appaloosa.

    hes beautiful by the way ;)

  21. WOW he is beautiful & so unusual! I would say flea-bitten light grey pinto/appaloosa!

  22. I would just say he was spotted !!! xx

  23. he is a leopard appaloosa! he is very cute and not ugly at all!

    some horses can sell cheap but they can turn out really really nice!

    you don't need to spend 50 grand on a horse for it to be good!

  24. sorry but we cant to the photos at the moment...the web site is doing something

  25. Wow.. I see what you mean about the second picture. Definitely looks like a pintaloosa! He is awesome looking.. and for $800 looks like you got yourself quite the bargain! Congrats. =]

  26. hey the site close temporarily i cant see anything sorry

  27. Leopard app

  28. he is indeed a lepard app. he's not blanketed like somebody else said... that's a different color pattern. he's just a lepard appy. he's a lot better looking than some appy's i've seen recently!

  29. Leopard Appy:)  Sweet looking boy, enjoy:)

  30. That's what I call an appy.

    Nice looking boy, love the dotty horses.

  31. looks like an appaloosa to me and a nice one to i love the coloring hope that helps :]

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