
What color matches with Olive green?

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For our wedding I was thinking maybe we should take olive green and coral color. Do you think those two colors would be matching?




  1. I'm agreeing w/ the brown suggestions or even black.  Think about the color wheel when trying to match colors - this is what interior designers do and even gardeners like this website below. When using a color wheel look at the color directly across (red) or either side (blue/yellow). Hope this helps you!

  2. i don't think coral would compliment it.  maybe a lighter shade of green, or black, or burnt orange......thats hard to answer without seeing it in person.  good luck and remember do what you like best!

  3. If you like dark colors, you could match it with a brown. I'm having green and brown for my wedding, but I'm using a lighter sage green to lighten it up a little bit. You could also go with a pink or orange. I've seen that used a lot. Or, you could even go with an ivory or something ,just to keep it neutral. I've even seen people put purple with green, and it looks great. The good thing about today's weddings is that anything goes. Good luck! :-)

  4. Yes, but only a small amount of one or the other.  Maybe balance it out with some chocolate brown.

  5. yah maybe even a light yellow

  6. silver goes really well with olive green also  a darker green and brown

  7. Light/baby pink

    Light/baby yellow

    And possibly other pastels

  8. I don't know how well coral will blend with olive green. What about a nice baby pink color? Or a burnt orange?

    Maybe something like this:

  9. I am using green and coral too!!  I think the colors look great together.  When is the wedding?

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