
What color or print would you prefer for a reusable cloth grocery or shopping bag?

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Zebra stripe with red trim

Grey suit fabric with red trim

Navy with white trim

Raspberry solid




  1. I like the zebra stripe with red trim. It sounds cute and I always like to combine function with flair whenever possible! My second choice would be the grey suit fabric with red or black trim. Very businesslike and chic!

  2. Something printed with non-toxic, organic inks with an environmental message on it.  It's a functional piece for me, not a fashion statement.

  3. I like them to be washable.  Black is a great color, since it does not show up dirt easily.  

    White or canvis color is great, easy to wash all of them together...however they show up dirt easily.

    I got 20 yards of a royal blue with white tropical flowers on it for $10 at a local thrift store.  Great heavy canvis matterial.  All of my bags are going to look very tropical!  

    I know another woman who is making them from recycled jeans.  Some of them are pretty cool, with handy pockets on the outside to stash a cell phone, or shopping list.  

    Washability is a factor for me.  Other than that, I really don't care what the print, or no print it.  


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  4. Black with a skull & crossbones print.

  5. White.  I use cloth grocery bags until they develop holes in them.  Then I stick my kids feet through the holes and use the bags as diapers.  Once they are no longer usable as diapers, I turn them into wash rags.  When they can no longer be used, I compost them.

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