
What color panties do boys wear most?

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  1. Guest21177

    ima boy ilove wearing cute pink ones

  2. Guest129

    im a boy ilove pink and white ones hanna motanna high school musical princess ones   disney panties  if any girl wants to see my panties they can ill show my panties

  3. Guest129

    im a boy ilove to wear really cutepink panties hanna motanna  highschool musical panties  Disney panties    princess panties ilove pink I   wear pink ones everyday

  4. men and panties are practically enemies. we dont like anything that comes in our way. but it is a good thing to remind you of the better days or should i says nights. anyways for me red is a turn on.

  5.  Pink i guess it will give you a very girly feeling HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  6.  The question should be some thing like which color panties do boys like to keep after . . . .

    Panties and then on top of it pink is the most favorite for men. . . .

  7. I would say probably pink.

  8. I like to wear pink panties, too.

  9. pink

  10. what color panties do boys wear most?

  11. what color panties do boys wear most

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Latest activity: 9 years, 10 month(s) ago.
This question has 11 answers.


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