
What color shoes would you wear. ?

by Guest31603  |  earlier

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Any ideas where I can find some? I need them within the next two days.?

I went to the mall, which is small where I live, and found some in nude color peep toe in Charolette Russe, but i'm sure they will kill my feet. I didn't see any in the dept. stores.




  1. I LOVE the dress! haha it is absolutely gorgeous! As for shoes, I would recommend just getting the ones in charlotte russe. Do you have a payless where you live? They have a whole ton of shoes you could look at. I also found these cute heels from charlotte russe that I've wanted for a long time   But you could also just shoes from stores like Guess, Macys, and JC Penney. Macy's particularly has like the best shoes ever lol. I looked online and can't seem to find anything for you- but I can confidently say that if you have a Macys near you, you will find cute shoes lol. Good luck!  

  2. Buy them online. And all peep toes will hurt your feet a little bit.  

  3. Try other places too- like target, walmart, ect. Ask your friends if you could borrow there shoes maybe, um... Also try going to another mall.

    You could buy shoes online, but you will have to pay extra for them to come sooner and theres a chance it might not come as soon as you'd like.

  4. grey stilettos

  5. The dress is ugly...

  6. the dress looks great but i m not sure about the shoes maybe try some purple

    or white

  7. I have purple strappy stiletto-heeled shoes that would look hot with that dress.  

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