
What color should I paint the trim on my house??

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My house is has white siding and i am having a hard time trying to find a paint color that looks good with white. I want to keep the siding white b/c its aluminum and in excellent shape! Any suggestions would be helpful!




  1. Yes it's true any color will go with white. Think carefully though about the visual effect you will be creating when you paint your trim a color other than white. It is a principle of good design that houses (both interior and exterior) should have a focal point or a basic point of interest. A house can have secondary focal point(s) but any more than this and the house becomes what we call "busy". That means that your eye is darting all over the house, not knowing where to land creating viusal confusion. If you paint the trim a different color, you are directing your eye to look towards the outside corners of the house and around the windows. A different color will create lines around the house and windows where there were not ones before.A home's focal point should always be the front door...this is where people enter and people are always more important than trim or windows. Additionally, you are using trim in a way which is not a standard application. I don't mind breaking the rules at all but generally the trim is a lighter color than the body or the same color as the body. Because we have become used to seeing this as a standard, viewing something other than the standard will often not sit quite right with our visual sense. I am going to advise against painting your trim a color other than white. My professional opinion would be to match your trim to your siding and to put your efforts into building some other areas of color interest on your home such as your main entryway with perhaps secondary areas of interest such as flower boxes and/or shutters.




  2. Consider your roof color and shutters if you have any.

    Any color will work with the white siding.

  3. What color is your roof?  Take your color cues from there.  That way the whole thing works together.  With the white siding, you can get away with a darker color.  I'd think about painting the front door a brighter color just to make it seem more welcoming too.  If you go blues/grays, then I'd think about a nice rich dark red for the door.  If you go with the browns, a nice dark orange, russet type color.

  4. any paint colors will perfectly match white. but most common paint is dark brown or chocolate brown... good luck!

  5. play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find something that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family & color name, the "painted" homes look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:

    IMHO, I think it would look terrific if you paint your trim "greenhouse" (# 2933). I think it would look really stunning next to the white. However, since you say that you prefer more neutral tones, then check out a color called "roycroft brass" (# 2843). That would look nice, too.

  6. Paint colour is such a personal thing.  It says something about you - this makes it difficult for other people to choose for you.  I don't like pink and orange together - other people think they go really well.  In theory any colour will go with white.  Make sure that you take into consideration the colours surrounding your property.  That might reduce the colour palette from which you are choosing.

  7. You can paint it beige or cream. But since you mentioned about the aluminum, you can paint it light gray.

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