
What color should guinea pig pee be?

by  |  earlier

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My guinea pig, Chili, pees a milky-yellow...yeah, i know its gross to talk about, but i dont know what color it should be.... Is my baby ok??




  1. Any bright colours

  2. That's fine, my guinea pig pees the same

    Gross but... it's our pigs :-)

  3. as long as it dont stink really bad,  think she ok. i forget what color my old G Pig color was. must just be dark now due to something she ate. are you feeding her anything different in the past few days then usual

  4. yeah it is fine most guinea pigs do

  5. any type of yellow

  6. The milkyness is calcium sludge.This isn't too good and means she's getting too much calcium in her diet.,She could form a stone eventually in her bladder.Perhaps you like to buy her some timothy based pellets.Oxbow Hay and APD Hay are two companies that you can order this from.Avoid Alfalfa like the plague.It's got loads of calcium and will eventually cause a stone to form,guaranteed.Only feed her timothy hay and lots of it.

  7. thats how my gps pee looks

  8. Yea, this is normal. The milkyness is just calcium. Just watch to make sure it's not red or sludgy. That could mean something bad. But as long as it's just a bit milky and as long as all it leaves behind is sometimes powdery stuff, it's ok.

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