
What color should i paint my bedroom??

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What color should i paint my bedroom??




  1. I like light green, blue or a medium pink. But, you can make the colors darker, and put light colors on the bed, and room.

  2. either dark dark purple or lime green :)

  3. well kinda depends on what u have in ur room like ur bedspread or something, my friend had a bright orange one it was awsome but kinda hurt ur eyes, anything light looks nice 2

  4. mine is sky blue and white and it really brings out my wooden furniture

  5. Two colors, light green + light purple but you have to make them opposite, so paint wall number1 green, 2 purple, 3 green, 4 purple

    The two colors match, check this out

  6. really only you can tell... it depends on your style.

    I recommend painting your walls a light color and then accent with your favorite color.

  7. You should paint your bedroom the color that you appreciate most and that keeps you relaxed, because your bedroom is a place that should be relaxing and an escape from what's around you. If there is much sunlight flowing in it, you may want a neutral color and maybe spruce it up with bright bedsheets, accents etc.

    However, if it's surrounded by four walls, you would want bright colors to lift the room.

  8. Depends what sort of light you get. Also how big it is. White can make a small room look bigger. Dark colours with good lighting can make a big room look intimate. Mine's green with the window wall apple white so it gets all the sun and looks spacious. Get testers and try them out, see what you like. It's a personal preference though.

  9. dragon fruit:) red and plum and pink combined.

    its adorable..

    or creamsicle.

  10. a light color and somethin you would want to come into after a long day

    to brighten your day

  11. what colors your comforter? curtains?

    white makes things bigger

  12. mines red and i love it

  13. play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find colors that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family & color name, the "painted" rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:

    I think "loch blue" (# 6502) would look terrific.

    You can also take a photo of your house & upload it to the makeover gallery on this website:

    You can get color suggestions & for $5 they'll photoshop them onto your room so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.

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