
What color should my tortoises p**p be?

by  |  earlier

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its greenish




  1. purple

  2. glow in the dark

  3. umm sry i dont specialize in tortoise f***s


  4. OL ignore his p**p color ahahah

  5. Im not really sure but all my tortoise ate was tomatoes so his was red.

  6. As long as it's not rainbow you're fine

  7. Red

  8. green because my brothers tortoise poops green

  9. i'm pretty sure rainbow color

  10. a tortoises poo should be a olive green to brown color and be firm but not hard, it should not be runny or mucusy if it is then check that you are feeding the correct diet, some times when you get as new tortoise and change the diet it can effect the poo so don't panic too much and let the tortoise settle down for a week before you become concerned

  11. it doesn't matter how it looks, it is really how it tastes. just taste some, and if it tastes kinda vegetably, its good. if it tastes meaty, its bad and he is suffering from kidney disease. seriously. it won't hurt u, turtles have the cleanest f***s in the world.

  12. Its probably because he/she is getting too much chlorophyll.  Ususally the p**p is a light brown.

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