
What color tape do you use on the blade of your stick and why??

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What color tape do you use on the blade of your stick and why??




  1. i just use black because they say its harder for the goaile to keep track of the puck when its black on black

  2. i use black because it camouflages the puck a little bit, not totally but to some extent

  3. Black. It hides the puck. Not really that much, but just that little bit can make a huge difference.

  4. Black.  It is harder for the other team to see the puck on your stick.

  5. On my "player" sticks for ice, black - friction whenever available. I do this because it's a matter of habit and tradition.

    On my player sticks for roller, white so it doesn't leave marks on sport court and if I am playing outdoors, it stands out on asphalt.

    On my goal sticks, white but as you may recall I asked ya'll for advice on this last wk.

  6. I use whatever color my teammate sitting next to me in the locker room has in his bag after he leaves the locker room for warm-ups.

    EDIT: Having played goaltender, I can state pretty confidently that the color of the shooter's tape has little, if anything to do with the goaltender's ability to stop the puck.  Players were able to score on me equally using red, yellow, black, green, orange, purple, camo, white and blue tape.

  7. I use black with a multi colored checkered pattern woven in.

    Something like this: 0 is black, C is color. toe to heel, as if you were looking at it head on.




    Top and bottom colors are green and middle is yellow right now, but the pattern and colors are subject to change every time I tape my stick.

    Why? Because I feel like it.

  8. I personally use green, because I find that it's easier to find the puck with brighter tape and it matches my jersey.

  9. white becuase its easier to see the puck but reakky it doesnt matter to me any color would work

  10. I have always used red tape for my stick. No real reason why, just picked it and have used it since I started to play.  

  11. i pretty much use whatevers in my bag, black or white

  12. I do black and put stripes of blue because that is my teams colors

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