
What color theme is cuter for my room?

by  |  earlier

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i have pale sea foamish green walls and i cant decide whether to make my room green/pink themed or green/blue themed. im 13. which one do you think is cuter?




  1. green and pink is super cute but you might grow out of it .

    and green and blue is cute but i kind of dont like blue to much .

    it's really up to you and your taste .

    good luck


  2. definitly green and pink. if u like pink of course. my room is pink and green and i asoulutely loove it. also another great color scheme is like sea foamish green and brown

  3. green/blue

  4. pink is too cute for my tastes but it's your room.

  5. I like green and blue theme.

  6. I think a blue green theme is one that you will enjoy for longer as you grow up. Have fun with it.

  7. i think green and blue would be cuter. but thats just me . do wat u think is cooler

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