
What color to paint a college guys room?

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Well I just moved back home after completing my undergrad and will be living it up w/ 'rents for a little bit while I work on my MBA. After coming back I realized my room is really dark and needs some fresh paint, but can not for the life of me figure out what color would match my existing furniture and carpet (both pictured in below link). I was thinking something light on 3 of the walls and the the 4 another color but idk. As long as its somewhat 'manly' and fits my outdoor maniac lifestyle itll work w/ me). Also to note I have a lot of black and silver stuff that I had at my apartment during college so it prob would be good if it matches that too.




  1. If you aren't too scared to do something more bold...

    I say do the top part of the walls this color

    the bottom part of the walls this color

    with a chocolate or khaki colored thick (like 5 inches) stripe in between.

    Just a thought. Very modern and nice looking.

  2. i would do if i were you a bluish grey and like black trim that way you still get the blue in there and the colors you want well go for wat you want and wat your heart desires =]

  3. here are some search results

  4. Well you could try Grey or some kind of forest green that works well together in my bro's room he has silver and black furniture

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