
What color to paint a room with this comforter?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike my mom wont let me paint it totally black i dont want it just white either? any ideas?




  1. I would say something dramatic, like a cherry red or cobalt blue.  Pick a color that would make the comforter pop.

  2. Paint it one of the colours that are in the center of the flower. Red blue or yellow

  3. I would meet this head on and have a great looking room! Paint the room white. Trace the black flower from the comforter, use tracing paper or greaseproof paper, transfer to the wall and paint as seen on the comforter! you will be able to decide how many to paint on the wall as you go, if you have another colour for a lampshade etc, or throw cushions then do the odd flower in that colour! try painting a black flower and then another of a different colour on top of the black one but slightly off. If you don't like it you can always paint over it. Go experiment!

  4. ooh i like that beadspread make it like striped with different colors or maybe have someone come and paint the same design

  5. Go to and they allow you to use that picture to give you ideas on what base color should be used. I also recommend yo use different colors for the borders for like your doors and a lighter color for the ceiling. Good luck1

  6. Black and white are both neutral, and can support many color combinations. Why not try taking a color from one of the dots in the middle of the flowers on the comforter? There's a blue, a yellow, and a red. If you can find paint chips with those exact colors, the chips will have muliple hues of each color that will match the comforter by default

  7. Do red. Or blue. Or yellow. Like the colors in the middle of the flowers.

  8. baby blue  pink purple

  9. Icy blue!

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