I have a history professor tell me that the ancient egyptians where ebony, or black, skinned. However, didnt the ancient egyptians always portray themselves as lighter than the Nubians (modern Sudanese) who were/are black. Anyway, I thought that the ancient egyptians were perhaps medeteranien or arabic, since 1. they were pagan, which had a connection to greece-mesephotamia 2. the Jews described in Exodus where said to be able to blend with the egyptians (so where the same color). I also know that the ancient jews (hebrews) where darker skinned than their decendants, who have mixed with european people. Lastly, I think Cleophatra was light skinned, because her family was Greek, but I know she was not related to previous pharos. However, if she was the same "color" as her subjects, would they not be helenic? Also, do you think the ancient Egyptians were the same race of modern Egyptians - arabic? What do you think? Be seroius though, what race do you think they were?