
What color would rock with silver in a two tone truck hood?

by  |  earlier

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i got a freightliner columbia. i got to re glass the hood where its getting weak. the hood is silver. i was dreading havin to re paint the whole hood just because of two small repairs. the hood is massive. then i saw a truck pass which rocked a two tone color scheme. it was white all over except around the fenders and around the lower front area. thats a smaller area to re paint, the fenders and the lower front and it covers the repaired areas. so what color would rock with silver?




  1. BLACK!!! without a shadow of a doubt

  2.   The immediate color that comes to mind is black.....powerful combination.  Then another one that could really pop! is lime green...electric lime green..!   That almost vibrates!

  3. neoga illinois, I had similar problems with my Pontiac Grand Prix and last month. Try getting a free auto warranty quote ans see if you can get the policy before you need to get your car fixed.

  4. Rock?

  5. works so well Ford used it on the Harley Davidson F150

    Which while being no where near the size of a Freightliner it still gives you a decent idea of how it looks

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